European Public Health Association 

The European Public Health Association, or EUPHA in short, is the umbrella organisation for public health associations and institutes in Europe. EUPHA was founded in 1992 by 15 members from 12 countries. EUPHA now has 82 members from 47 countries, including members from all EU Member States. Our members are:

  • 45 national associations of public health
  • 28 institutional members
  • 7 individual members
  • 2 global members. 

EUPHA is an international, scientific organisation, bringing together around 32,000 public health experts for professional exchange and collaboration throughout Europe. We encourage a multi-disciplinary approach to public health.

EUPHA’s main activities include:

  • Publishing the European Journal of Public Health (EJPH), in order to strengthen the scientific and independent voice in the field of public health and health services. The EJPH is fully Open Access, meaning that research published in it is immediately available without charge to researchers, practitioners and policy makers around the world.
  • Co-organising and initiating the annual scientific European Public Health (EPH) Conference, in order to offer a means for exchanging information and a platform for debate to researchers, policy makers, and practitioners in the field of public health. EUPHA significantly contribute to the scientific quality of the conference by organising plenary sessions, workshops and skills-building pre-conferences. EUPHA’s thematical networks (EUPHA sections) are organising Join-the-Network meetings, where colleagues in the same field of public health meet and discuss current and future challenges. 
  • Organising the European Public Health Week every year, mid-May, raising awareness and stimulate positive action for public health. During the week, we celebrate healthy populations and engaging European citizens with public health.
  • Advocating public health in Europe by producing a wide range of materials for national public health associations, public health professionals and other stakeholders in Europe, as well as by being visible and actively participating in key advisory groups and events to influence public health policy and practice in Europe. EUPHA sections are key instruments in this, as they provide the evidence base on a wide range of public health topics, which feeds into EUPHA’s advocacy messages.

EUPHA’s strong organisation, with over 30 years of experience, is a solid basis to play a key role in the European public health arena.

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Floris Barnhoorn, MSc, 

Floris Barnhoorn is Deputy Director of EUPHA and EPH Conference. He has extensive international project management experience in both national and international institutes, and working experience in several European, African and Asian countries. He is responsible for management and coordination of collaborative projects, organization of EPH conferences since 2017, reporting on national public health research processes and priorities. He has acted as Project Coordinator of the EU funded projects PHIRE (Public Health Innovation and Research in Europe), STEPS (Strengthening Civil Society Organisations Engagement in Public Health Research) and partner in PROPHET (PeRsOnalized Prevention roadmap for the future HEalThcare), ExACT (European network staff eXchange for integrAting precision health in the health Care sysTems, RIVER-EU (Reducing Inequalities in Vaccine uptake in the European Region - Engaging Underserved communities).
