Universitatea de Medicină și Farmacie din Craiova (România) este o instituție academică apreciată, în care accentul se pune pe aspectul educațional, dar care este subliniat de o nevoie imperioasă de creștere și fortificare substanțială a cercetării științifice. Acest lucru necesită o traiectorie perceptibilă, orientată spre atingerea unui echilibru între cele două componente pivotale în perspectiva pe termen mediu.
Unul dintre demersurile strategice fundamentale pe care UMF Craiova le are în vedere pentru traiectoria sa viitoare este cultivarea, diversificarea și consolidarea tuturor manifestărilor de formare postuniversitară. Acestea cuprind, dar nu se limitează la programe de rezidențiat, masterate, studii de doctorat, cursuri postuniversitare și competențe certificate, în care se are în vedere încorporarea modalităților de e-learning.
Cadrul structural al Universității de Medicină și Farmacie din Craiova (umfcv.ro) este articulat prin programe academice distincte, delimitate după cum urmează:
Mihail Cristian Pirlog
As an Associate Professor of Medical Sociology at the School of Medicine within the University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova, he also serves as a Sociologist and fulfills the role of Coordinator for the National Mental Health Program developed by the Romanian Ministry of Health at the Clinical Hospital of Neuropsychiatry in Craiova. Additionally, he holds the position of President for the Mental Health Association of South-Eastern Europe (MHASEE). His professional involvement extends to numerous national and international research projects, as well as clinical trials, with a primary focus on the intricacies of mental health. His scholarly pursuits concentrate on elucidating the social and economic determinants influencing psychiatric pathology, alongside an exploration of the pervasive stigma surrounding mental illness.
Dragoș Ovidiu Alexandru
Graduate degree (September 2004) both in Medicine (followed by MSc in Management of Health Care Units) and Informatics (followed by MSc in Artificial Intelligence and Communications Technologies). PhD in Medicine (Sep 2012). Employed at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova (October 2005) in the Department of Medical Informatics and Biostatistics, currently Professor (March 2021). Specialist physician (October 2009) and senior physician in Public Health and Management (July 2015), working in the Clinical Emergency County Hospital Craiova within the Medical Statistics and Evaluation Service (2013-2015) and the Department of Quality Management of Health Services (2015-2023), with training as a quality auditor in the field of hospital management (2016) and clinical audit (2019). Hospital evaluator for the National Authority of Quality Management in Health (since 2017). Specialist physician in Radiology and Medical Imaging (April 2022), currently working in the Radiology and Medical Imaging Laboratory of Clinical Emergency County Hospital Craiova (since November 2023). Contributions to many scientific papers from various fields of medical practice and research, published in international and national peer-reviewed journals, due to the involvement in Biostatistics, with special interests in Imaging and Eye Physiology, for practical applications in Image Processing.
Dan Bondari
Senior Lecturer, MD, PhD, he is a versatile professional with a rich background in medicine, management, academia, and research. Holding an MD degree from the University of Medicine and Pharmacy Carol Davila Bucharest, and specialized in Public Health Management, Dr. Dan Bondari has demonstrated expertise across various domains. His career spans leadership roles in healthcare organizations, academic positions teaching medical sociology and behavioral sciences, and active involvement in research projects. With a commitment to inclusive education and a keen interest in public health advocacy, he is a member of prestigious medical associations.
Rebeca-Sara Chesini
MD, PhD student. She completed her studies at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova, Romania, graduating in 2021. Since 2022, she has been working as a trainee psychiatrist at the Neuropsychiatry Clinical Hospital of Craiova. Throughout this time, she has demonstrated a proactive attitude, adeptness, and a strong work ethic. She has actively participated in numerous national and international scientific conferences focused on mental health. Possessing excellent communication skills, she effectively establishes rapport with both patients and colleagues. She is deeply committed to advancing her career in healthcare and remains enthusiastic about acquiring new knowledge.
Miruna Radutoiu
MD, PhD student. After completing her residency program at Professor Alexandru Obregia Hospital in Bucharest, she has worked in private clinics in the same city. Now she has started her private psychiatric practice back in her native region in Gorj County. Her aim is to bring quality medical care to all her patients through the utilization of the most innovative medication and techniques. The pathology she treats is varied, anxiety and insomnia being the most frequent.
Elena Daciana Pintilie
Psychiatry trainee at the Clinical Hospital of Psychiatry, "Dr. Gheorghe Preda" from Sibiu, Romania and PhD student of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova. She has graduated the Faculty of Medicine in Sibiu in 2022 and she is member of the Mental Health Association of South-Eastern Europe (MHASSE) and the European Public Mental Health Association (EUPHA- Public Mental Health Section). The current areas of interest are represented by the field of psychoses, personality disorders, community psychiatry, psychosomatics.
Criatian Bondari
MD, PhD student, he graduated in 2023 the University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova, and he has started his residency training in Internal Medicine in the Clinical Emergency County Hospital Craiova. Being passionate about all the facets of patient care, Cristian doesn’t only try to understand the clinical and biological imbalances and conditions, but he aims to understand the social and psychological factors of the conditions of his patients, and their impact on the patient’s condition, approaching every new patient with open-mind.